- The newest spreader bar edition to light out tackle
- built using a high grade 0.93 ultra light miltary grade titianium spreader bar
- rigged with #250 jinkai line and crimps
- centered on the bar is a 7 inch skirted bird
- outised teasers consist of (1) 9 inch floating bulb squid
- inside drops consit of (2) 9 inch floating bulb squids
- center drop contains (5) 7 inch soft skirted birds with a heavy duty #320 pound AFW double welded stainless steel ball bearing swivel hiiden in the last bird to attach your stinger bait
- comes with a 12 inch machine stinger bait rigged on #200 pound Seagur blue label fluorocarbon to give you the best chance to catch each and every trip you take
- fathom loop protectors at alll critical points
- free large mesh stroage bag included for easy storage and wash down
36 inch psycho bird bar w/ saguar fluoro stinger