- Light weight and easy to pull and custom bild this chain to fit your fishery
- we have combined 2 of the best producing lures over the past decade into one chain
- the lead 9 inch floppy flippy squid acts similar to a the lead bird found on spreader bars creating a ton of commtion
- the single squid flippy is followed by (6) 7 inch soft skirted birds which create a ton of splash and spray as they troll across the surface
- hidden in the last skirted bird is a #320 pound AFW ball bearing snap swivel to add your favorite stinger.
- these chains are lights weight and easy to use
- great on all pelagics espicially yellow fin, bluefin, bigeye, and blackfish tuna.
- a free 14x14 mesh lure storage bag is included
- free shipping included
(2) for$90 lucky 7 tuna chain